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Northern Computers’ BR-7 Bar Code Reader allows you to read virtually all existing bar code cards and is housed in a rugged, water-resistant enclosure. Bar code cards are simple to create and easy to use. They provide the lowest-cost cards of any access control technology. With a security overlaminate, they provide protection from copying and […]
Honeywell’s web-based NetAXS controller provides solutions for installations of any size. NetAXS-123 enables users to securely manage their system anywhere there’s an Internet connection—with no dedicated PC or software costs. The user-friendly design makes it simple to install and easy to operate and maintain. NetAXS-123 gives you all the benefits of traditional access control, such […]
OmniClass from Honeywell is a range of 13.56 MHz contactless secure smart card readers that offers superb reliability, consistent read range and ease of installation. They are available in several sizes and each OmniClass reader incorporates smart card technology allowing multiple applications per physical card and optional mobile credential capability. OmniClass can retro-fit any Wiegand […]
Honeywell’s OmniProx™ family is a complete line of 125 kHz HID compatible proximity readers that delivers outstanding and consistent performance in a small package with attractive styling and colors to fit any décor. All OmniProx™ readers (except the OP90 & OP95) include three bezels: black, charcoal gray and ivory and are constructed with rugged polycarbonate […]
The PRO3200 professional series family of access control modules is designed for high density installations. Supporting up to 16 readers per enclosure and 32 readers per intelligent controller along with up to 100,000 card capacity provides a combination of small installation footprint and superior cost per door ratio. The PRO22R1 provides I/O support for one […]