4 Door

  • iFDC

    iFDC – 4 Door Access Control Panel

    iFDC – 4 Door Access Control Panel


    Key Features:

    • Linux Operating System Applied for Higher Performance and Stability
    • Storage Capacity
    * Up to 200,000 Users
    * Up to 500,000 Event Buffer
    • Data Transmission using Encrypted Algorithm (AES 256)
    • PoE(Power of Ethernet)
    • Ability to upgrade firmware remotely.

    • Supports Expansion board
    * UIM – Input expansion board
    : 16 Supervised Inputs, 2 Outputs [Up to 4 UIM per iFDC]
    * UOM – Output expansion board
    : 16 Outputs, 2 Supervised Input [Up to 4 UIM per iFDC]
    One iFDC can support up to 8 Readers, 88 Supervised Inputs, 88 Outputs

    • Enhanced Security Functions
    * Lock down * Interlocking
    * Global Anti-pass back
    – Timed / Soft / Hard
    * Arm / Disarm * Duress mode
    * Advanced Time schedule
    * 2Men Operation* Guard Tour
    • Compatible Software
    * IDTECK Enterprise Series
    * Basic / TA / Plus / Global

    Data Sheet:IDTECK IFDC Datasheet

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